Saturday, June 5, 2021

Carter Ancestral Line - Part 4

Daniel Carter – Tom’s 5th Great-grandfather

Much of what I know about Daniel Carter comes from his will.  Signed on 2 Oct 1797 in Powhatan County, it was presented to the court in January 1798 and names Povall Carter as executor.  It reads in part:
In the Name of God Amen, I Daniel Carter of the Parish of Southam and County of Powhatan do make the following Testamentory disposition of my estate, first I give unto my son Povall Carter and his heirs a Cow and Calf, three sheep and a Sow & Shoots. I give unto my son Charles Carter a Sow & Shoots. I give unto my daughter Fanney a Cow and Calf, three sheep and a sow & Shoots. It is my Will and desire that the Residue of my Estate of what nature so ever not heretofore disposed of should be kept together for the use of my three single daughters Milly, Anne and Jinny which I lend to them during their natural life or as long as either of them remain single, and after the death or marriage of all my said three daughters named Milley, Anne, and Jinny, I then desire that the said Estate lent my said daughters be equally divided among all my children, which Estate when so divided I give to them and their heirs forever.
The will was presented at a Court held for Powhatan County the 17th day of January 1798.  An inventory and appraisement of the estate was taken on the 20th.  It valued the estate at £314.0.6 and consisted of:

Watt a Negroe man                                    £100  
Aggey & her child Sall                                £95                
Two mares and a Colt                                £35    
Two work oxen                                           £12
Seven Cows                                               £24.10                       
Six yearlings                                               £9                                           
Seven Sheep                                              £3.10             
Tow sows, 5 shoats & 11 Pigs                     £8                   
1 Ox Cart                                                     £4.10 
2 Axes,11 Hoes, & a small wedge               £2.7.6                        
1 Drawing knife 1[?]
2 Pewter B?ons, 3 Dishes, & 8 plates
And Seven Spoons                                     £1.1.0
1 Gun                                                          12/ 
4 Beds                                                         £18
1 flax wheel                                                 0.10

The final accounting was 16 Oct 1806 with sales of the estate amounting to £624.14.6 and money paid by the executor for the use of the estate £51.15.6. Executors commission was £65.00 leaving a balance of £507.19 which gives each legatee £63.9.10.

So we know Daniel is the father of Povall.  He was a farmer in Powhatan County – the part that was called Southam Parish when it was part of Cumberland County.  

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