Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Schwartengräber Stories

The following paper was given to me by Robert Hüchtker on a visit to Füchtorf in May of 2017.  Robert was born on the Schwartengräber farm and his family still lives there.  The translations were done on Google Translate so may not be complete or accurate.

Schwartengräber Geschichten

Schwartengräber Stories

Anno 1647 verdingten (pachteten) Berndt Landtwer und Anneke Eggers von der Juffer von Ketteler Schwartengreffers kotten.

In 1647, Berndt Landtwer and Anneke Eggers of the Juffer of Ketteler Schwartengreffers leased the cottage.

Der Kotten muss also schon existiert haven.

The cottage must have already existed.

Seinen Namen hat er von dem Schwatten Graben, der in der Nähe floss und später zum Grenzfluss Bever wurde.

It has its name from the Schwattengraben, which flowed nearby and later became the border river Bever.

Der nächste Pächter der Kötterstelle von von Ketteler, Hermann Dentrup, geb. 1620, wurde Schwartengräber gennant.  In der Urkunde wird er als Schwartengreffer ß Sohn bezeichnet.

The next tenant of the Kötterstelle von von Ketteler, Hermann Dentrup, b. 1620 [1630], was called Schwartengräber. In the document he is described as a son of a son.

Noch in neueren Messtisch Blättern ist noch immer Schwarzengräber bzw. Schwartengräber zu lesen, so in einer Karte, die nach der Beferregulierrung gezeichnet wurde.

Still in later measuring table sheets still Schwarzengräber or Schwartengräber is to be read, so in a map, which was drawn after the Beferregulierung [Befer adjustment].

Die Schreibweise ist sehr unterschiedlich.  So fand ich auf ein und der gleichen Seite des Kirchenbuchs Füchtorf einmal Schwartengräber und nebenan Schwartzengräber.

The spelling is very different. So I found on one and the same side of the church book Füchtorf once Schwartengräber and next door Schwartzengräber.

[Here he skips several generations. This is where the family line diverges. Johann Wilhelm Schwartzengräber below was the son of Johann Wilhelm Schwartzengräber and Anna Catharina Schnübke. They also had a daughter Anna Catherine who married Bernard Anton Fortmann. The couple emigrated to Ohio.]

Johann Wilhelm Schwartengräber, geb. 1815, heiratete Maria Gertrude Querdel, geb. 1822.  Als Johann Wilhelm Schwartengräber 1853 starb, heiratete seine Witwe im September 1853 Johann Heinrich Hüchtker aus Rippelbaum.

Maria Gertrud Querdal

Johann Wilhelm Schwartengräber, born 1815, married Maria Gertrude Querdel, b. 1822. When Johann Wilhelm Schwartengräber died 1853, his widow married Johann Heinrich Hüchtker from Rippelbaum in September 1853.

Ab 1853 war der amtliche Nachname somit Hüchtker.  Doch blieb es noch bis 1950 bei dem Hofnamen Schwartengräber.  Großvater Georg Hüchtker- Schwartengräber ließ im Giebel des neu errichtetenHauses die Inschrift anbringen: “Errichtet von den Eheleuten Georg Schwartengräber und Katharina Brüggemann Anno 1906."

Since 1853 the official surname was Hüchtker. But it still remained until 1950 with the court name Schwartengräber. Grandfather Georg Hüchtker-Schwartengräber had the inscription in the gable of the newly built house: "Erected by the spouses Georg Schwartengräber and Katharina Brüggemann Anno 1906."

Auch auf den Kennzeichen der Pferdegeschirre war bis zum 2. Weltkrieg Schwartengräber als Besitzer verzeichnet.  Ich selbst, Robert Hüchtker, hieß im Dorf: Schwartengräbers Robert.  (Im Plattdeutschen wird der Nachname vor den Vornamen gesetzt.)

Also on the characteristics of the horse harness was registered until the 2nd World War Schwartengräber as owner. I myself, Robert Hüchtker, was called in the village: Schwartengräbers Robert. (In the Low German the surname is set before the first name.)

Johann Wilhelm Schwartengräber hatte mit Mara Gertrude Querdel 2 Kinder.  1. Klara Schwartengräber, die den Müller Heuer der Korffschen Mühle auf Harkotten heiratete.  Anton Heuer errichtete später im Dor eine Dampfmühle.

Johann Wilhelm Schwartengräber had 2 children with Mara Gertrude Querdel.
1. Klara Schwartengräber, who married the Mullerheuer of the Korffsche Mühle to Harkotten. Anton Heuer later built a steam mill in the village.

2.  Joseph Schwartengräber-Nolle, der sich auf den Hof Nolle auf dem Beverstrang, Milte, einheiratete.

Joseph Schwartengräber-Nolle, who married the farm of Nolle on the Beverstrrang, Milte.

Klara Heuer- Schwartengräber kam mit ihrem Kind auf dem Arm von Harkotten bis nach Twillingen 31, um ihre Mutter geb. Querdel zu besuchen.  Sie wird wphl auch ihre Tante Maria Theresia auf dem benachbarten Hof Brundieck begrüßt haben.

Klara Heuer-Schwartengräber came with her child in the arm from Harkotten to Twillingen 31, to her mother b. Querdel to visit. She will also have welcomed her aunt Maria Theresia at the neighboring Hof Brundieck.

Von Brundieck habe ich einen Großen Eichenschrank erworben, der die Inschrift trägt:

From Brundieck I bought a large oak box bearing the inscription:

MT 1871 QD = Maria Theresia 1871 Querdel.

Erzählt wurde bei uns auch die Geschichte von der tatendurstigen Frau Anna Catharina Schwartengäber-Schnüpke, geb. 1784 in Glandorf.  Ihr Mann war Johan Wilm Schwartengräber, geb. 1778.
The story of Anna Catharina Schwartengäber-Schnüpke, b. 1784 in Glandorf. Her husband was Johan Wilm Schwartengräber, b. 1778.

Anna Catharina soll einen Prozess um das Fischereirecht in dem Schwatten Graben (+Alte Bever-Lake) gegen von Ketteler geführt haben.  Da die Schwiegereltern auf dem Hof sie nicht unterstützen wollten, ging sie zu dem Pächter auf dem Gut Bollen und lieh sich von ihm ein Pferd, um zum Gericht nach Münster zu reiten.

Anna Catharina is said to have led a trial around the fishing rights in the Schwattengraben (+ Alte Bever-Lake) against Ketteler. Since the mother-in-law in the farm did not want to support her, she went to the tenant on the estate of Bollen, and borrowed from him a horse, to ride to court in Münster.

Bie der Beurteilung dieses Geschehnisses muss man die Historie nach 1800 berücksichtigen.  Die Leibeigenschaft wurde durch Napoleon aufgehoben und viele Privilegien des Adels.  Daher ist es nicht ausgeschlossen, dass Frau Schwawrtengräber tatsächlich den Erfolg hatte, der ihr im Volksmund zugesprochen wurde.

In the assessment of this event one must consider the history after 1800. The physical property was abolished by Napoleon and many privileges of the nobility. Therefore it is not out of the question that Frau Schwawrtengräber actually had the success, which was awarded to her in the Volksmund.

Drei kinder aus der Ehe Johan Wlm Schwartengäber und seiner energischen Frau Anna Catherina sind in Amerika.

Three children from the marriage Johan Wlm Schwartengäber and his energetic wife Anna Catherina are in America.**

1. Anna Catharina Schwartengräber, geb. 26 August 1810 in Füchtorf, verstorben in USA, war 1836 nach Nordamerika, New York gegangen.

Anna Catharina Schwartengräber, b. 26 August 1810 in Füchtorf, died in the USA, 1836 had gone to North America, New York.

2. Heinrich Josef Schwartengräber, geb. 15 Oktober 1825 in Füchtorf, Twillingen, verstorben in USA.

Heinrich Josef Schwartengräber, born 15 October 1825 in Füchtorf, Twillingen, died in the USA.

In der Auswanderliste sind verzeichnet:

The list of emigrants includes:

1. Heinrich Josef Schwartengräber

2. Anton Schwartengräber, 4jährig in Füchtorf verstorben

Died 4 years in Füchtorf

3. Anna Gertrud Schwartengräber, geb. 1830 in Füchtorf, Twillingen

4. Johan Wilhelm Schwartengräber, geb. 1815 in Füchtorf, verstorben 1853 in Füchtorf

**This is not quite accurate - the immigrants will be the focus of the next post.

How the families connect

Saturday, June 26, 2021

Carter Ancestral Line - Part 1

The next set of posts follows my husband’s Carter ancestors from Clarence Carter who died in 1964 in Kansas back to Daniel Carter who was born in 1725 in Virginia and covers 6 generations.

I am researching this line to support a yDNA test and to try to document family trees that were passed down or previously published.  I am confident in the relationships back to Daniel.  Several researchers have looked for evidence of Daniel’s parents and he is most often linked to either Giles or Povall or Robert Carter, sons or grandsons of Giles Carter the immigrant.  Evidence for these relationships includes proximity, naming patterns and documents that show interactions between the families.  The most serious researchers, that is, those with actual sources, believe Giles to be the father.  Whichever of the men was the father, the yDNA trail would still lead back to Giles the immigrant.

However, years ago Tom had his DNA tested at 23andMe.  They don’t specifically do yDNA but they do give a paternal haplogroup.  Tom’s is R-M512 (also called R1a1a).  There is a Carter yDNA project on FamilyTreeDNA that has shared their results on a spreadsheet on their site.  Searching that spreadsheet for Giles, there are two participants who name him as an ancestor, and both are in the haplogroup I-M253 (also called I1-12)…not even close.

Now, there are a lot of Carter’s who share the R-M512 haplogroup, including one descendant of Daniel.  So the research question continues to be - who is the father of Daniel?

Possible scenarios:

The two testers who are associated with Giles in the DNA project have incorrect genealogy.

Daniel is the son of one of the other Carter’s living in colonial Virginia.

Daniel’s mother had a child from a previous marriage and then married into the Carter line.

Further yDNA testing would help to narrow the search.  There is a second yDNA project as part of the Carter Society focused on the colonial Virginia Carter’s, including Giles.  That project is private and would need an invitation to see the results.  Maybe down the line.  I also need to do more research on the descendants of Daniel’s other children.

A second research goal is to locate the land the Carter’s lived on.  For now, this is what I know.


Clarence Walton Carter (1882-1964) – Tom’s Grandfather

Clarence Walton Carter, son of Matthew and Martha, was born September 26, 1882 near Fayetteville, West Virginia.  While he was still a toddler, he moved with his parents to Miami County, Kansas.

His first marriage was to Birdie Farrel in 1906.  They had three children, Cecil, Myrtle and Wayne.  Wayne died at age one.  Family notes say they divorced around 1915 and that Birdie died in 1917.

On 5 Sep 1917, Clarence married Elizabeth Emmaline (Bessie) Whitaker who was born 2 Jul 1890 near Louisburg. Their first daughter, Clarice Nadine, died at birth.  They went on to have three more children, James, Riley and Martha. The family lived on the Matthew Carter farm and the children attended the rural Snake Den school.

As a young man, Clarence farmed, went with the wheat harvest crew, and attended an electrical course at Manhattan State College. He worked for over 40 years as telephone electrician in Louisburg and the surrounding community. Retiring in 1947, he and Bessie moved to Prescott, Arizona, returning to Louisburg in August 1957.

Clarence preceded his wife in death 27 Nov 1964.  Bessie died in 1974. Both are buried in the Louisburg Cemetery.